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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The archeology of The Five Books of Krinsky

The earliest artifact of the Five Books of Krinsky is depicted below.

It is very difficult to read the  proof text. This displays the name of the saved document as "10 Miketz. "The date of the event is January 13, 1996 and this what we think is a chapter from what is now the "Five Books of Krinsky." It is saved in Notepad as a CWK file (CWK).

Miketz is a portion, parashot, or chapter of the Bible. (AKA The Old Testament, The Five Books of Moses,  The Torah) Miketz begins with Joseph having been sold into slavery languishing in an Egyptian prison. Joseph continues with his dream interpretations thing and helps out two fellow inmates. These two make good on the outside and Joseph becomes the Pharaoh's main dream diviner.

There is a chapter 12 of The Five Books of Krinsky. It is called "Death on the Final Hole," and recounts the death of Dan Krinsky's father on a golf course in Los Cabos as well as exploring the question. "Where is Joseph buried? As well as printing a timeline from 1967 to 2014 of the violence by Palestinians and Israelis surrounding the burial site of their common Patriarch.

The fragment creates of few questions of its own. Why did the author stop using the Biblical chapters? Perhaps he felt they were too obscure for the general public. Or he likes making up his own titles? Where did he lose a chapter? He seems to be writing about Vayechi and has skipped Vayigash completely.

The next artifact was found in same basement as the computer image which appears to be where the author wrote most of the book.

This is a copy of The Torah, A Modern Commentary, edited by W. Gunther Plaut, (UAHC, 1981) The author makes frequent references to this book, often quoting commentaries. We believe this was the actual copy that the author used. He did not as we previously believed just looked stuff up on the internet because he thought it sounded cool.

The author claims to have permission to share Rabbi Plaut's wisdom because of a chance encounter with one of the rabbi's relatives. This person said the rabbi would have approved.

Finally our most recent find.

A Five Books of Krinsky coffee mug sitting on a laptop computer opened to an Amazon.com. When he began this book over 10 years ago, he could not have imagined the acclaim. A page on Amazon and a coffee mug.

Today, people can download the book for 2.99. This is slightly more than the national average for a cup of coffee.

Here is the link (again),

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