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Monday, October 9, 2017

C-SPAN INTERVIEW with Don's Basement: Day 1 of the The 5 Days of Krinsky™

On Saturday, October 14 from 1 to 4 at the Highland Park Library, local authors will offer their books for sale. While normatively I abjure any form of capitalist commerce, I bought 20 paperback copies of The Five Books of Krinsky. And they are not helping anybody where they are now.

Krinsky in his natural habitat
The Local Author's Book Fair is sponsored by East on Central, a journal of arts and letters. Peggy and I are proud to have been published by this esteemed organization.

In anticipation of this event, I am presenting what I am calling The Five Days of Krinsky™. 

From Monday, October 8 through Friday the 13th, I will post information or pictures about the Local Author

Fair, The Five Books of Krinsky, the beginning of the Torah reading cycle, large inflatable cats, and YHVH(AKA Yahweh, Adonai, El Shaddai, et al.)

The Comic Torah: Created by Aaron Freeman and Sharon Rosenzweig
Provenance unknown

In anticipation of this event, Susan Swain took time out of her interview with John Updike ( alav ha-shalom) to interview me about all things Krinsky and Don's Basement.

Thank you to anyone who is reading this.

(Views, images, and other nonsense are the work of Donsbasement and not the Highland Park Library. East on Central, C-SPAN, or any of the "callers" on the video.)


  1. You were obviously the one I was talking to. Did you get the Sarah Palin theologians joke? I couldn't tell it if it was too obvious or too obscure. But I couldn't come up with any other theology jokes. I also think we share a similar view about the country. It could be deluded but I hope that things will be better.

  2. You really are brilliant. I could not stop laughing.

    1. Thank you. How can I disagree? You’re a professor and Dean (ret).
