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Sunday, August 21, 2011

St Swithin's Day and Frank Sinatra

In the movie "One Day",  Emma Morley (Anne Hathaway) and Dexter Mayhew (Jim Sturgess) begin a friendship that will last a lifetime. That day July 15, 1988 is St. Swithin's day.
As far as I can tell, St Swithin's is some kind of "ground hog day" for rain.
As in this verse..
St Swithun's day if thou dost rain
For forty days it will remain
St Swithun's day if thou be fair
For forty days 'twill rain nae mar 
  Who was St. Swithin or Swithun? You can look it up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swithun

What interests me is a letter that Frank Sinatra wrote to George Michael after Michael wrote about the "tragedy of fame" in a 1990 magazine article.

Come on George, Loosen up. Swing, man, Here's a kid who 'wanted to be a pop-star since I was about seven years old.' and now he's a smash performer and song-writer at 27, he wants to quit doing what tons of gifted youngsters all over the world would shoot grandma for- just one crack at what he's complaining about. ....And no more of that talk about the 'tragedy of fame' The tragedy of fame is when no-one shows up and you're singing to the cleaning-lady in some empty joint that hasn't seen a paying customer since St. Swithin's Day. 

Thus my belief, that it is still Frank's world and we're just living in it.

St. Swithin


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