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Monday, November 27, 2017

HONG KONG BLUES Nanowrimo Edition

This video documents my attempt to write a novel in a month. Nanowrimo is an online writing project that I have completed 5 times.

This is the first year I did it as an unemployed person. Having had more time to work on the book, I noticed a few things. E.G. There is a plot. There are fewer long passages copied from the Internet and some of the writing makes sense.

Along the way, I checked in on FACEBOOK with Chiwrimos and they are a diverse and interesting lot to be sure. There is a wrap party on Sunday, December 2 that I am planning to attend.

Unless I chicken out which I have done every other year.

It is fun to be a writer for a month. My question is where do I go from here. Obviously staying in the basement is imperative. But the funny thing is I don't HAVE to do anything.

I could post something every day.  Edit Hong Kong Blues. Use my Hong Kong footage and make it a mini-doc. Practice guitar.

And/or do something for other people. Any suggestions on that. Seriously.

Here is today's video. Thanks for subscribing to Don's Basement.

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