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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

#3 The Miracle of the Oil

For all you sticklers for detail (and I suspect I know who you are) here are a few links that discuss the Miracle of the Oil with intelligence and research.

I like Malka Simkovich's article about the "political" reasons for adding a miracle 600 years after the "fact."

My Jewish Learning has an oddly contemporary feel to it.

Here is my video. It's just odd.


  1. Replies
    1. Love that song. It would make a good Hanuka parody. Maybe next year. In Jerusalem?

  2. The theory in these parts is the Maccabees were making up for Sukkots missed while they were shut out of the temple: hence eight days; and they would have had candles on the alter on each of those days, and made burnt offerings, hence eight candles...

    1. Is that in the Talmud? Or just in the Bay Area? It makes sense. The Miracle of the Oil continues to perplex me but then all miracles do.

  3. That's what Peretz says, who leads our Talmud Circle. I'll ask him where gets it from.
