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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Day 114...FACEBOOK style...The Stone Age (I couldn't help myself)

While the felon Roger Stone is free to meddle in our elections, today I'll highlight a few other stones.

"Please take a 'you got this!' stone if you or a loved one is in need."

This one is pretty classy

  • Neo Stone Age (2020-?)
Now everything's a little upside down
As a matter of fact the wheels have stopped
What's good is bad, what's bad is good
You'll find out when you reach the top
You're on the bottom...B. Dylan 1975

And what language did they speak in the Stone Age?

On Monday, I will reveal the winner of the Know Your Harper's Elite Quiz and introduce their cause of choice.

Today's quiz for a $25.00 donation to your favorite cause or charity, who said ..."we're going to bomb them into the Stone Age," and to whom were they referring?

If you look this up in your set of Encyclopedia Brittanica, World Book, call a reference librarian or go online, I will know and tell God.


  1. Replies
    1. Now, you are just piling on US Presidents. Here are some additional hints. (US)VP Candidate and he said the same thing about Cuba in 1962.

  2. He may have thought but I don’t think he said it. Hint. Dr. Strangelove. Jack D. Ripper.
