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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Now it's really Day 113. Don fesses up and begins to give back

By now, most of you have heard the story of my famous Trump bet. It is a giddy, silly tale and one that I have delighted in telling (and retelling and retelling). I am going to tell it again but this time with a purpose.

Last week, I donated $50.00 to the causes of two Don's Basement readers. I will continue to donate $50 a week through the end of 2020 to the causes of quiz winners, contributors,  and commenters through the vanity project that is Don's Basement. 

Now to our story already in progress.

Actually 2015....

Remember back then. June 2015.

Jon Stewart knelling over the comedy gold that was Donald Trump

It was a big joke. Donald Trump, the national punchline runs for president. Back then I had a job working for some men for five days a week, 9 hours a day including lunch. Lunch meant usually eating at one of the following places.

Not necessarily in that order.

On a Tuesday in June of 2015, I remember the lunch bunch dined at Kaiser's. We always ate at Kaiser's on Tuesdays. In fact, the last time I saw the lunch bunch was Kaiser's in March of 2020.

On that Tuesday in 2015, we started talking about Trump's candidacy for president. It was uniformly scoffed as a publicity stunt or a protest vote or brand building. Anything but a serious run for president. One of the occasional lunch bunchers said, "he doesn't have a chance. It's a 1000 to 1."

Being able to sense of low risk gamble, I took the bet. "I'll put up five bucks." And we all laughed.

As the months progressed, Trump's numbers went from 3% to 13% to the low 30s and finally well above 60% before he finally prevailed over Cruz and Kasich.

Now, I had a dilemma. $5,000 was a lot of money back then. I started feeling guilty. But I consulted with my long time friend and enthusiastic gambler in Las Vegas. He explained to me that a real gambler pays his debts before he pays his mortgage. 

Alrighty then.

While the Trump surge was going on, the guy I bet with started getting nervous. He offered me about $100 in Las Vegas chips to settle up before the election. I think I countered with a $1,000. No deal. As you will recall Hillary remained the favorite to win in 2016 until she lost.

It was with a heavy heart that I accepted my win. I was not a Trump supporter and still am not. But money is money. I agreed to accept $1,250 a year for 4 years. 

My first installment was in 2016 and I gave some money to my kids and to a few of my favorite causes. 

Asperitech,  'a world-class QA testing company that empowers individuals on the autism spectrum to fulfill their potential through meaningful employment combined with social opportunity.'

Steep Theatre:.. 'To bring out the everyday truths in the stories we tell through ensemble work and to reach out to non-traditional theatregoers by seeking out stories and creating experiences relevant to them.'

My second installment came in 2017.  I bought a Bristol guitar. And had a big trip planned to California with my kids and grandkids. Disneyland. Universal Studios. Venice. Santa Monica. 

Then on May 11, 2017, I was told to leave the place where I worked. My job had been eliminated. Kind of surprised. Shook up. Concerned.

And I thought it would be a good idea to get some extra cash so I settled for an additional payout of $1,250 making the total $3,750.

Thus it stood. But in the back of my mind, I felt that I owed the world $1,500. Last week, I offered a challenge to anyone who could remember who did the song, "Signs." One of you answered on Facebook and I had a way to pay my debt. 

So going forward for the remaining 26 weeks of 2020, I will donate $50.00 a week to a charity or cause. I will have contests and games. I will accept suggestions. And if nobody responds to anything, I pick something myself.

It's not the least I can do but it's close.

Stay safe and sane.


  1. I'd give you a do-over, but they tell me this kind of gambling is in Washington.

  2. In 2015, I think the best odds against Trump were 35 to 1 in England. Where such gambling is legal. From a quick search it looks like Biden is only a slight favorite to win at this point. It’s a challenge to predict anything these days.

  3. OK - you asked for it:
    of course, Civic Leadership Foundation
    Movement Voter Project
    Southern Poverty Law Center
    Compassion and Choices
    Lead Guitar (teaching guitar to kids from underserved communities)
    Chicago Public Media
    - and I deeply respect your commitment!

  4. btw, Hod is your RO bandmate Howard - a nickname from times past

  5. Dear God, that storyteller actually looks familiar. Whatever synapse that is hasn't dinged in close to 70 years.

    1. That would channel 11. More like 60 years.

  6. Howard, great causes. But there needs to be order. Today’s quiz. Who said ‘we’ll bomb them into the Stone Age.’ I’ll give you a hint. Dr. Strangelove. Jack D. Ripper.

    1. I have reviewed the rules of the Don's Basement confession/restitution game. "quiz winners, contributors, and commenters." Your suggestions meet the criteria of two of the three categories. As such. Civic Leadership Foundation
      Movement Voter Project
      Southern Poverty Law Center
      Compassion and Choices
      Lead Guitar (teaching guitar to kids from underserved communities)
      Chicago Public Media, these organizations will all get contributions and profiles on the blog. I will however give another hint to my quiz. This MAN was a candidate for Vice President of the United States.
