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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Day 58: I'm in a FACEBOOK state of mind...

It's Sunday, the day that is famous for following Saturday. Here is what went on last week that you DIDN'T read about in Don's basement.

How many zoos are there in the United States?

Option 1:


Option 2:

Option 3:

Roadside Zoos like Joe Exotics

And the answer....

"There are fewer zoos than you would expect in the United States. It’s commonly thought that there are over two thousand zoos in the country, but that number actually derives from an error in a National Geographic article almost fifteen years ago. The real number is actually much, much lower: data compiled in August 2017 indicates that were only approximately 500 zoological facilities in the country - a number which includes both zoos and aquariums."

Since I can't go to any zoos for awhile, I created my own.

Tiger: Ellsworth Kelly 1953

 You know that hilarious joke I always make. That's the one where someone asks a question about population or science or some kind of fact. And I say, 'let's wait till the library is open and we'll call them.

We have been walking around the neighborhood more than usual these days (anyone else?) We particularly like Waverly Rd. I wanted to find out how old that street is.

So I did contact the Highland Park Library. Within few days, they sent a series of maps of Highland Park.

Here is an 1872  planning map. (I can send a JPG if anyone is interested in a large view.)

Here are maps going back to 1925. 

Sanborn Fire Insurance maps going back to 1907.

Don't forget...Donnies™ tonight @7:00.

And...there is still time to subscribe to Don's Basement. Why would you want to miss a post?

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