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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 25: False Awakenings

Hello Again Everybody:

Not everybody. There's that couple in Oildale, Texas that has blocked me.

Lately I have been having strange dreams. I understand from Science you shouldn't tell your dreams to other people.

But Don's Basement isn't other people.

Here is today's sermon.


  1. Once when Rona Bass and I were sleeping on the floor of your apartment on Blake Street, Rona woke up and spent a solid half hour describing her dream to me. It was pretty hilarious, actually

  2. You mean Audrey Farber....or Peaches Blessington?

  3. A dream of chocolate bars and Hershey is not bad; but it doesn't hold a candle to Krinsky's dreams of Elayne nude in white make-up! Just sayin' .... [And for anyone not getting the reference, you really should be reading The Five Books of Krinsky]

  4. Hey don’t laugh, I got a $2.52 royalty from Amazon last week. There IS a link on the page for The Five Books of Krinsky.

  5. I had a recurring dream for years. I was seated behind a gray metal desk in an otherwise barren room. A knock came on the door. A person who was never quite visible pushed open the door and said, “Hey. You. Time to wake up.”! And it was. So I did.

  6. I'd like to address recurring dreams in a post. My recurring dream is that I have gone somewhere and I can't find my way back home. Just like the Stevie Winwood song. Why do we have those? Aren't we tired of them? In my case, I do have a lousy sense of direction so it could just be a reflection of the day's events.
